Courier M OT Light

  • Сімейство шрифтів Courier M OT
  • Повна назва Courier M OT Light
  • Назва шрифта CourierMOT-Light
  • Версія 1.05
  • Розширення otf
  • MD5 22c5922c2da890ef455d625f1c889714
  • MIME Type application/
  • Розмір 65.42 КБ
  • Кирилиця Так
File Type Extension otf
MIME Type application/x-font-otf
Copyright (URW)++,Copyright © 2000 by (URW)++ Design & Development
Font Family Courier M OT
Font Subfamily Light
Font Subfamily ID 1.013;URW ;CourierMOT-Light
Font Name Courier M OT Light
Name Table Version OTF 1.013;PS 1.05;Core 1.0.27;makeotf.lib(1.11)
PostScript Font Name CourierMOT-Light
Trademark Please refer to the Copyright section for the font trademark attribution notices.
Description Type1 to OpenType conversion by Studio Marvil, s.r.o.
Vendor URL
Copyright (en-US) (URW)++,Copyright © 2000 by (URW)++ Design & Development
Font Family (en-US) Courier M OT Light
Font Subfamily (en-US) Regular
Font Subfamily ID (en-US) 1.013;URW ;CourierMOT-Light
Font Name (en-US) CourierMOT-Light
Name Table Version (en-US) OTF 1.013;PS 1.05;Core 1.0.27;makeotf.lib(1.11)
Post Script Font Name (en-US) CourierMOT-Light
Trademark (en-US) Please refer to the Copyright section for the font trademark attribution notices.
Description (en-US) Type1 to OpenType conversion by Studio Marvil, s.r.o.
Vendor URL (en-US)
Preferred Family (en-US) Courier M OT
Preferred Subfamily (en-US) Light