Academy Italic Кириллический
Скачать шрифт Academy Italic без регистрации, прамая ссылка на шрифт acd56.otf, версия 001.001, размер файла 66.81 Кбайт
Italic Normal
Academy was designed circa 1910 at the Berthold type foundry (St.-Petersburg). It was based on Sorbonne (H. Berthold, Berlin, 1905), which represented the American Type Founders rework Cheltenham of 1896 (designers Bertram G. Goodhue, Morris F. Benton) and Russian typefaces of the mid-18th century. A low-contrast text typeface with historical flavour. The modern digital version was designed at Polygraphmash type design bureau in 1989 by Lyubov Kuznetsova.